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I have always had a love of photography since I was child. It was always a fun and relaxing hobby until I got further along in understanding how in depth photography can go. I have taken classes through The Shaw Academy and received my diploma in photography. As a photographer I love capturing "the moment" and the visual artistic memory it provides. That moment can happen in different settings or just from a small different angle that makes it a powerful memory.  I enjoy the artistic creativity that is in photography. I can not paint, but I have an eye for this kind of art. "See your world through our eyes." 



35x Featured in Exhibitions around the World

9x Published in Magazines

What Our Customers Are Saying

The photographer was very thorough and patient at our event, making sure all guests got all the photos they wanted with the various costumed characters and photo backgrounds. He also took the initiative of helping find locations with better lighting in the venue to move the photo ops to. Many photographers we’ve worked with at events are content with going through the motions and doing the minimum. G Wolf Photography was engaging, helped create better opportunities, and was personable with all event attendees.

-Andrew Wright 


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